Latest messages of Love

Monday 2 April 2018
Look to the Truth, My children, and see Me in all that you do. 
Make your lives a prayer with Me. 
Make your lives a vessel of holiness that both I and My Father may reside within. 
Now trust in the Words I speak and begin the Journey of dying to self and all will become a reality and all will begin to change around you. 
Believe, My children, for I am not a fairytale, I am Truth and Reality.  If you but believe, all these Words will come to pass in your lives. 
Now trust in Me. 
I Love you.

Wednesday 4 April 2018
Do not allow self to control you, My children, for self will only lead you to the gates of hell. I am calling you, My children, to fight against self so that you will become a part of My Army of Love that will rise and bring many back to My Truth through deeds of Love. 
Now trust in Me and believe. 
Begin this Journey: fight the sin in your lives and follow Me in Truth. 
I Love you.

Saturday 7 April 2018
Believe, My children, believe and know that I am with you in this, your time of need.  I have not forgotten you. I have not left you. 
Believe, My children, and know that this world is about to see the Power of its God, poured out upon them for its many offences against Me and the Father of All. 
Trust in Me and stay true to the Gospel Path and do not listen to those who blaspheme in My Name for their days are numbered.  Soon, their lies will be seen in Truth and they shall fall from their pedestals like leaves in the wind.  Now, children, walk the Path of Truth and do not be afraid of this world. 
Walk with Me and I shall look after you. 
Believe, children of Mine, for I am with you. 
I Love you.

Sunday 8 April 2018
Trust only in Me, My children, and believe in the Words I speak for they are your lifeline to the Truth in this time of deceit and lies.  If you do not stand for the Truth then you, too, will be swept away in the river of lies, that surrounds you in these days of darkness.  
Now believe and stay alert; be obedient to My Laws. 
Walk My Gospel Truth and die to self and you will be able to see the traps of lucifer and avoid them.  Do not listen to the deceivers who are wolves in sheep's clothing.  They stand upon My altars and spew their lies to My people.  So many have fallen to their lies.  
Be so careful.  If one calls himself a servant of Mine and he does not speak the Truth, avoid him so that you do not be deceived by the cunning lies that spew from his mouth.  So many of My priests, bishops, cardinals have fallen and no longer follow Me.  They are blinded and only follow the desires of self and lead so many of My flock towards the gates of hell.  
Be careful, children, for these are perilous times that you now live in. 
Sin is your enemy.  Remember, sin is still sin, it has not changed in My Sight.  Do not listen to the liberalists who preach a new gospel of acceptance in My Name.  They only serve the darkness and lucifer rejoices at their successes.  
Trust in Me. 
I Love you.

Monday 9 April 2018
Look to Me always, My children, and see Me in those that you meet.  
Do not scorn your brothers and sisters but love them.  
Do good to all and you, by your actions, will allow Me to touch My children through your actions. 
Now, begin to trust in Me as I begin to fight back and force the darkness back through you.  
The Battle of Love begins this day and I will reclaim all that that has been stolen through the sin of mankind.  
I am a God of Love and My Justice is My Love. 
I will bring mankind to his knees through the Sword of My Justice.  I will show this world how it has listened to the lies of lucifer and his servants.  This world will not understand for a time but, I must bring it down before it is willing to look and see what it has brought upon itself, through sin.  
Prepare, My Remnant, and know it is your God that has released the Spirit of Justice upon this earth.  Your Freedom is at hand; have faith and know that I am with you. 
Believe, children of Mine, and pray for those in darkness. 
I Love you.

Tuesday 10 April 2018
Believe, My children, and have faith in the Words I speak for the days grow ever darker and these, My Words, are the light to guide you to safe refuge.  
Do not worry but fight against the sin in your lives for this is dying to self.  The more that you die to self, the easier you will walk this Path of Truth with Me.  
Now believe, My children, and do not be afraid. 
I Love you.

Wednesday 11 April 2018
Trust only in Me and believe in the Ways of your God. 
I tell you, children, I do not allow My followers to walk a dark path for, those that walk a path of sin and say that they are a follower of Mine, are liars. 
I am a God of Truth, I do not bend the Truth to suit people’s sinful lifestyles.  
If you agree with abortion then you are a murderer and you walk a path to hell.  
If you agree with the act of homosexuality, you are a fornicator and you walk a path to hell. 
I created man and I created woman for man.  It is lucifer who tempts man to lust after man and woman to lust after woman. 
This is Truth that this world does not want to hear but it is still Truth. 
This is a blind and foolish generation and it will pay for its sins. 
I am close, children, and you will resent My Words but, soon, you will regret your beliefs for I will show this world the Truth and give all a chance to repent of their evil ways.  Then I will Come and remove all those who have not accepted My Warning for I mean to cleanse this world for My Own. 
Be Warned, I will not listen to your arguments of how you have the right to live in whatever way you choose.  I have given all free will but this evil generation has taken the freedom away from those who wish to follow Me in Truth.  You force your sinful ways on those who wish to follow Me, you create laws that tell My children that they must accept sin, lust and murder and so you have broken the covenant of free will that I have given to all mankind. Now you will reap what you have sown for this world is My creation and all who live upon it. 
It is you who have forced the Hand of your God by your evil laws.  I tell you to prepare to be judged for your God Comes with His winnowing fan and the chaff will be blown away.  
You foolish generation, you have called your own destruction down upon yourselves.  All that you have built in your greed will be no more.  I tell you I shall remove all your technology for when I look upon it, all I see is your sin.  You use what you call technology to murder your own children in their mother’s wombs.  You murder the innocent with your vehicles, aircraft and ships for all they are, are weapons of war.  Your telephones, television, internet and media you use to promote every sort of vile corruption.  Sin has become your master and I shall remove it all. 
I say, again, prepare, for I will cleanse this earth of your vile corruption.  All the knowledge that you have, children, you could have used for good.  If you had used your technology in Truth, I tell you, there would have been no war, no famines, no hunger, no disease. Mankind could have lived in love and peace and with no fear.  But, you allowed greed to drive you into the darkness of sin and now, you will not listen to Me.  But, because of My Love for you I will give all a final chance to return before I send down fire from the sky to consume all that is evil.  These are Words of Truth and what I have said will come to pass if you do not repent.
I tell you who believe in Me, do not fear what is to come for I will shield My own and you shall rejoice at My new creation for all will be renewed and Peace and Love will flourish upon this earth.  I will give you many wonders to look upon and your hearts will rejoice at the Power of your God. 
Now, trust in Me and pray much for your brothers and sisters who remain in the darkness of sin. 
Trust in Me. 
I Love you.

Thursday 12 April 2018
Children, I have given you many Words in these past years to guide you to the Truth, so few have taken on these Words of Truth.  Many have listened and fallen away because they do not see the things come to pass that I have spoken of.  So many do not realise what is really happening because they try to understand My Words without dying to self. 
Do you not realise that unless you throw off the burdens of this world you will not truly see or understand what I have said? 
I tell you, the things I have spoken of are happening all around you.  As My people, Israel, waited for Me and did not understand that I walked among them, so, you have blinded yourselves to the Truth because you have read My Warnings and have understood them, in your own imagination and so, what you think should happen does not. 
Die to self: remove the sin from your lives and the scales will fall from your eyes and you will see and realise the times of danger that you now live in. 
Trust in these, My Words, and let them guide you back to My Gospel Path.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, your strength and your will and your neighbour as yourself. 
Trust, My children, for there is such little time left.  As you await the summer and finally you feel its warmth, so has the time of darkness arrived.  Yet you have not perceived its arrival. 
Wake up, children, and look around you: look at My Church and you will see the great danger that I speak of as so many of My own desert Me and now follow a path that only leads to the fires of hell.  Look and see with the eyes of Truth and you will finally see what I speak of.  
I Love you. Trust in Me. 
I Love you.

Thursday 12 April 2018
Believe in Me, My children, believe in My Words for little time is left and still My people do not listen. 
Come, now, children of Mine, and listen to My calls and wake up your brothers and sisters by your love. 
Trust only in Me and believe in My Teaching.  Do not listen to the modern liberal teachings for they are a lie.  I do not change with your modern times.  You must change by dying to self.  A gospel of lies is being taught by many shepherds, these are the false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing and will lead you to the fires of hell if you listen. 
Wake up and see the great rebellion is upon you, the man of sin walks the corridors of My Church and he means to destroy it from within.

1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 
2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 
3 Let no one deceive you by any means for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 
4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4


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