January 31 Lunar Eclipse
Lights Over Lapland is excited to announce that we now have TWO aurora webcams covering nearly a 200° view of Abisko National Park in Sweden! Watch the auroras dance live, all season long here. |
full Moon is about to pass through the shadow of Earth, turning the
normally gray lunar disk a lovely shade of coppery-orange. When should
you look? For people in the USA, the answer is Wednesday morning, Jan.
31st, just before sunrise. This graphic prepared by Larry Koehn of
ShadowandSubstance.com depicts key moments of the eclipse in the Pacific
Time Zone:
The timing of the eclipse
favors western US states. The Moon will spend more than an hour inside
the core of Earth's shadow--and people on the Pacific side of the
country will see all of it. On the Atlantic coast, people will see only a
partial eclipse or no eclipse at all.
Elsewhere in the world, the eclipse will be fully visible across the Pacific Ocean, Asia, and Australia. The eclipse will not be visible in Africa, South America, or western Europe: global map.
Did you know that climate
scientists pay special attention to lunar eclipses? Dark eclipses are a
sign of volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere--particles that can
reflect sunlight and cool the planet. Bright eclipses, on the other
hand, are a sign that the stratosphere is clear. A clear stratosphere
"lets the sunshine in" to warm the planet below.
"I welcome any and all reports on the brightness of this eclipse for use in my volcano-climate studies,"
says Emeritus Prof. Richard Keen of the University of Colorado. "While
actual brightness measurements (in magnitudes) made near mid-totality
are most useful, I can also make use of Danjon-scale ratings. Please be sure to note the time, method, and instruments used in your reports."
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