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MESSAGGI DI NOVEMBRE 2019 Trevignano Romano 3 novembre 2019 Cari figli, grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata nel vostro cuore. Figli miei, quanta gioia provo nel vedere tanti pastori in questo luogo benedetto e quanti figli vedo pieni di fede che pregano, stando vicino a mio Figlio Gesù, che soprattutto in questi tempi, una lancia trafigge ancora il suo cuore. Figli amati, è qui anche San Giuseppe, ed è insieme a me per pregare su di voi. Amati miei, invocate lo Spirito Santo affinchè possiate essere illuminati nello spirito e nel cuore. Figli, non abbiate paura, io sono con voi, il demonio non può far male a chi è fedele a Dio. Ora vi benedico nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo, Amen “. Trevignano Romano 5 novembre 2019 Figli miei, grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata nel vostro cuore. Figlia mia, quanto è grande e pesante la missione affidata dal cielo, ma io ti aiuterò e ti sarò sempre accanto. La verità è solo una,...
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Behold I Come Revelation 22:12 Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Saturday, May 18, 2019 ***URGENT MESSAGE !! FLEEING THE MARK OF THE BEAST AND NON-HUMAN ENTITIES*** On the night of May 16, 2019, my oldest daughter and I both had prophetic dreams. They present things to come that many will face during the time of the antichrist and the mark of the beast system. In my dream, I experienced a situation that will happen to those who must flee from the beast system. I was in another person's body, witnessing and experiencing firsthand the terror of being hunted down by the powers that be. I was on the run with my family. We were doing our best to travel at night, and from one remote location to another in order to avoid being caught. No matter where we traveled though, we were always being tracked, fol...
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Sunday, May 12, 2019 EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI The night of May 11, 2019, I had a short dream of an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. I found myself running to warn my adult children that this was about to happen, and there were only precious few moments to prepare. By the time I had arrived at the home where they were visiting their friends to warn them, until the events happened, was only minutes, literally. We as believers were protected, but the devastation was massive. I asked Father this morning as soon as I woke up if He wanted to speak to this. He has given me many warnings like this to post, and He has been so merciful in warning us to prepare, first and foremost spiritually, then physically as we are led. I wondered if He is going to continue to warn, because He has already given us so much, but because of my position as a watchman, He reminded me to continue to warn until He tells me...
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Abp. Chaput to Francis on Youth Synod: “bishops would have absolutely no credibility” Abp. Chaput to Francis on Youth Synod: “bishops would have absolutely no credibility” The agenda is like the approval of LGBT behavior. August 31, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia told a conference that had met to discuss the “young people” of the Church that in light of the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church he had written to Pope Francis asking him to cancel the upcoming Youth Synod set to take place in Rome. “The bishops would have absolutely no credibility” in the upcoming Youth Synod, Chaput told the Cardinal’s Forum, an annual gathering to provide academic formation of seminarians and continuing education for lay people, yesterday. The synod’s planned dates are set for October 3-28, 2018. The August 30 panel discussion, which took place at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, was on the topic of “Young People, the Faith and Vocation...
Did you cover-up for McCarrick?
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Thousands of Catholic women demand Francis answer this: Did you cover-up for McCarrick? Thousands of Catholic women demand Francis answer this: Did you cover-up for McCarrick? August 30, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – A group of prominent Catholic women have written an open letter to Pope Francis imploring him to provide clarity on the “escalating” sex abuse crisis currently “engulfing” the Church. Expressing anger, betrayal, and heartbreak, the women bluntly ask Pope Francis if Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s detailed testimony about sex abuse being covered up by Vatican officials, including the Pope, is true or not. “We are Catholic women deeply committed to our faith and profoundly grateful for Church teachings, the Sacraments, and the many good bishops and priests who have blessed our lives,” they write. They also call on him to publicly state when he learned of the “abhorrent” allegations against now ex-Cardinal McCarrick and if he knew about and lift...
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Prominent Swiss Newspaper: “Why does [Francis] not simply issue a denial?” Prominent Swiss Newspaper: “Why does [Francis] not simply issue a denial?” To avoid being caught in lies and incriminating himself. Benedict wouldn’t be allowed to speak. Recall the report that he handed to Francis over 5 years ago, and nothing has come of it. Buried in the secret archives, or burned, most likely. SWITZERLAND, August 31, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – One of the most prominent German-speaking daily newspapers in Switzerland is calling upon Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to come out with some clarifications concerning the Viganò report. About Pope Francis, the journalist asks: “Why does he not simply issue a denial?” Michael Meier, writing for the national newspaper Tages-Anzeiger from Zurich, Switzerland, reports in an August 30 article on the Viganò claim that Pope Francis had been informed about the McCarrick scandal but still made the predatory prelate one ...